Tough questions about having your own streaming server
How many live streaming providers provide you with transparent details when it comes to live video streaming? What is the usable bandwidth allocated for you to use? The lowest Livebox plan start with multiple Terabytes unlike any other service available. Will I be able to speedtest and check the allocated internet speed on the server at anytime? With Livebox, yes you can. Everything is fully transparent. Test and try pushing the limits on the server and know for yourself. What is the latency? Can I verify the latency on the server? With Livebox, there are network tools in-built on it to see the exact latency, conduct mtr tests and verify the latency between your server and any location. Are the same set of servers shared with multiple users? So,are you being provided with shared resources for the amount I pay? No,absolutely NOT when it comes to Livebox. No other provider guarantees dedicated resources to you. When your usage lowers, your resources...