
Showing posts from March, 2019

Tough questions about having your own streaming server

How many  live  streaming providers provide you with transparent details when it comes to live video streaming? What is the usable bandwidth allocated for you to use? The lowest Livebox plan start with multiple Terabytes unlike any other service available. Will I be able to speedtest and check the allocated internet speed on the server at anytime? With Livebox, yes you can. Everything is fully transparent. Test and try pushing the limits on the server and know for yourself. What is the latency? Can I verify the latency on the server? With Livebox, there are network tools in-built on it to see the exact latency, conduct mtr tests and verify the latency between your server and any location. Are the same set of servers shared with multiple users? So,are you being provided with shared resources for the amount I pay?  No,absolutely NOT when it comes to Livebox. No other provider guarantees dedicated resources to you. When your usage lowers, your resources...

Handle millions of concurrent viewers at ease with Livebox Autoscaler

Livebox Autoscaler – Scale live streaming servers for over 8800,000+ viewers Livebox  is already the most light weight and lowest cost  live streaming  solution with capabilities to scale out of the box. This coming month, we’re introducing a new infrastructure scaling tool called the Livebox Autoscaler for auto adding servers for a massive audience. It’s NOT a plain simple load balancer. It’s a scaler What if you could own a huge video streaming infrastructure similar to Hotstar, YouTube or Facebook to serve the sudden rush of your audience? Yes that is possible today with on-demand scaling using the Livebox live video Autoscaler. The “Autoscaler” is a an automatic infrastructure scaling tool that would instantly expand multiple Livebox’s on demand. When our customers started with their live distribution, they start with fewer viewers however as the audience of our customers grow, they ask us for ways to expand. In some cases, there are traffic spikes dur...

Now, it just takes less than 30 seconds to automate any social media Channel.

Breathe life into your existing social media Channels.There is only one tool that can help you convert your existing YouTube content back to live and that is the  Livebox  Playlist. Livebox Playlist is a new technology that lets you broadcast your existing social media videos as live on the fly. You don’t need to have files, storage or store content on your PC anymore. All you need is the cloud  Playout  that is built into Livebox. Several small and medium sized companies ranging from web development shops to professional broadcasters have started using the automation tools available within Livebox to provide services to their clients. With the Livebox Cloud  Playout , it is possible to upload files and automate any live channel. Live Streaming  Automation with just one click Sports, Gaming and Technology communities have already picked up with the new playlist feature and we see several automated channels today A live playlist streaming to sev...

Easily Add Real Virtual Viewers to Your Live Streaming Channel.

Get More Views on Your YouTube Videos! Livebox  incorporates Artificial Intelligence to boost and promote your live channel. Things that were totally unimaginable and impossible until now have been made possible with Livebox. Livebox now includes a tool called Viewer Generator that can intelligently enable adding virtual live viewers to any live channel. The viewer generator simulates real viewers using virtual browsers that view the live event constantly while taking snapshots at regular intervals to show you what each of the virtual viewer agents is watching. This tool can be used for simulation, load testing and this even benefits digital marketing and SEO. Channels that have lower exposure or no viewership can get a kickstart through this feature to be put in front of audiences who can then share it in their social circles which has a possibility to cause explosive and exponential growth. How can the Viewer Generator benefit live stream load testing? Conduct...

Brand New Corporate Conferencing and Communication Tools Within Livebox

Video Conferencing Made Easy With Livebox  Streaming Server ! Schedule and conduct webinars and video conferences using the  Livebox  live  streaming server . Your business needs a brand to communicate with people involved like customers and employees. Livebox helps you communicate effectively without compromising on the status of your brand. Livebox now comes with the ability to do real-time live conferencing and even includes a digital whiteboard. When you combine the Livebox along with the IVB7 LP8 equipment, it becomes an even more powerful solution since it gives you the ability to draw and present with a touchscreen plus stylus using the ultra-portable backpack. With this leading-edge Video Conferencing tool that is present inside Livebox, you can make your company’s communication and connectivity top notch. It is simplistic for anyone from anywhere to get connected using their corporate identity virtually regardless of location. It is made possible...