
Showing posts from May, 2021

Livebox joins SRT Alliance

We are happy to announce that Livebox is now a part of the SRT Alliance!  SRT Alliance is an initiative by Haivision to  overcome the challenges of low latency streaming and packet loss .  Know more about SRT streaming  here. Why SRT? SRT (Secure Reliable Transfer) protocol,  which is an  open-source video streaming protocol , is highly acclaimed for its reliability as it  delivers high-quality low latency videos  without much data loss.  SRT has been  adopted and deployed  in a wide range of applications. Live streaming has its own advantages when it is  wrapped up with SRT protocol .  SRT acts as a shield over the to-be-distributed content thus  preventing loss of much content  by retrieving it. This revolutionary project is undertaken by  Haivision  and it is paired by  Wowza Media Systems . Thousands of organizations have been benefitted by using the SRT streaming protocol.  SRT was releas...

Unifying Phoneline with Video Conferencing Software

This month  Livebox TM  is introducing a brand-new feature that enables users to join a Video Conference without any Internet connection. This is done by a phone call.  Livebox Video Conference  is ready to be integrated with Phone line which will allow users without data or smart gadgets to join the Conference by just making a phone call. DATA INSUFFICIENCY AND SMART GADGET INADEQUACY- SORTED OUT Internet Connectivity Issues  and  Data Insufficiency  can be overcome with this Phone line integration. When the daily limits of Data Usage exceed while on a highly confidential and crucial meeting, this feature comes in rescue so that the connection can be restored. Just make a phone call to  connect with  any  Livebox Video Conference . It is as simple as that. LIVEBOX PHONE – VIDEO CONFERENCE INTEGRATION Integrate Phoneline with your Video Conference so that people who do not have a proper Internet facility or Smart gadgets, are given the o...

Introducing Auto Scalable Multi-Bridging for Video Conferencing

To make scaling the Video Conferencing participants simple,  Livebox TM  has brought up an excellent technology, thus making the solution entirely  manageable  and  flexible . LIVEBOX VIDEO BRIDGES LiveBox Video Conferencing Solution has innovated a ground-breaking technology called  ASMB (Auto Scalable Multi Bridging).   It is possible to instantly increase the number of  Video Bridges  in real-time which, in turn, enables  smooth real-time audio and visual interactions  at scale .   LiveBox Video Bridges act as the  conferencing distribution boxes . In other words, they act like invisible pipelines that carry audio as well as video output. LiveBox works as the network of multiple video bridges, with the built-in option to scale the video conference, thereby paving a way to involve more participants without the slightest rift.  SCALABLE SCALING LiveBox Video Conferencing solution is  highly scalable  w...