How to create a channel in the Livebox TV?
Before you create a channel on your Livebox TV, you have to create the categories to keep your channels organized. To create your categories, Login to your Livebox TV. Go to “Categories” from the navigation menu. A page with the category specifications opens, under which go to “Add Category” to create your category. In “Add Category”, give your category name and set a thumbnail. Then give “Submit”. And your category is added. Note: In the Parent Category option you can set your category as the Root menu or Sub-category within your main category. Now to create your channel, Go to “Channels” from the navigation menu. In “Channel”, go to “Add Channel” and give your channel name. If you want to distribute your Livebox streams or recordings to your subscribers, then select Livebox as your video type. Then select the Livebox channel from which you want to distribute the content. Once you select your channel, the embed code of...