
Showing posts from June, 2021

How to create a channel in the Livebox TV?

Before you create a channel on your   Livebox  TV, you have to create the categories to keep your channels organized. To create your categories, Login to your Livebox TV. Go to “Categories” from the navigation menu. A page with the category specifications opens, under which go to “Add Category” to create your category. In “Add Category”, give your category name and set a thumbnail. Then give “Submit”. And your category is added. Note:   In the  Parent Category  option you can set your category as the  Root menu  or  Sub-category  within your main category. Now to create your channel, Go to “Channels” from the navigation menu. In “Channel”, go to “Add Channel” and give your channel name. If you want to distribute your Livebox streams or recordings to your subscribers, then select  Livebox  as your video type. Then select the Livebox channel from which you want to distribute the content. Once you select your channel, the embed code of...

How to conduct Multi-bitrate Streaming Using the Livebox Playout and Encoder?

To conduct Multi-bitrate streaming using the   Livebox   Playout and Encoder software, Create your channel in the Livebox streaming server. Go to  Manage Channels  from the navigation menu. Under manage channels, select  Multi-bitrate . In  Multi-bitrate  page, select your channel and turn On multi-bitrate. Once you turn on  Multi-bitrate , the preset options will appear. You can set the required resolution and click “Save”. Note:   You also have an option to edit or set your required preset. Once you click save, RTMP URLs for your resolution gets listed below. Make a note of the required RTMP links and click “Save”. With each URL of definite qualities (resolutions), the player will adjust video quality to that of viewers bandwidth.*The first given URL is the RTMP URL of your channel. The remaining URLs are RTMP URLs with resolutions. Note:   The RTMP URL should be used to initiate the live streaming on your server channel. And the other...

How to Live Stream on Livebox Using OBS Studio as an Encoder?

Livebox   streaming   server offers a smooth and uncomplicated streaming workflow. Its flexibility can be witnessed while working alongside distinct encoders. Here with which few steps are listed for crystal clear understanding of streaming workflow by using OBS studio. Go to  OBS studio  and click the add icon from the tab “Source”. A pop-up menu with the listed options will show up. From the listed options select “Media source”. A dialog box “Create/Select Source” gets opened where you can name and set as per your requirements and then click “OK”. A dialog box “Properties for Media Source” gets opened. In “Properties for Media Source”, select the required options for your  streaming  and then click “Browse”. Once you click to browse you get accessed to your local files where you can browse and select your source. Then Click “OK” and your source is added. Now go to  Livebox  and select  Manage channels  from the navigation menu and...

How to Download the Livebox Playout and Video Mixer Software?

Livebox is the only live   streaming  server that comes with in-built Playout Software and Video Mixer which can be downloaded cost-free. To download Playout Software, Encoder and Video Mixer, Go to  Account Settings  and click  Download . Download option for both  Android  and  Studio  shows up. If you are an Android user you can download by clicking  Android App , otherwise, click  Studio  to download  Playout ,  Encoder , and  Video Mixer  software. A new page in  Livebox  with options to download playout and video mixer opens. You can click  Download Playout and Video Mixer  to get started with the other facet of Livebox. Then click  Generate Pin  to get your unique pin code to license your authorization to playout and mixer software. Note:   The generated pin is restricted to be used by one PC. But you can always generate one to a few pins to download and use the softw...

How to Publish the Livebox live streaming contents on WordPress websites?

While live streaming on the server channel, the same live streaming content can be published on websites/blogs with the Livebox streaming server. To publish the live streaming contents on your WordPress website/blogs, first, you need to stream a source to your server channel. And from the server channel, you can publish the live streaming content smoothly on your websites/blogs within a few steps. Let’s see the steps involved to publish a  live streaming  content on WordPress websites/blogs. Create your channel on Livebox. Stream a source to your channel using the RTMP URL of the same channel with the help of an encoder. Preview the live streaming on your  Channel Dashboard . Now go to  Manage channels  and select your live streaming channel. Then click  Embed code  to copy the displayed embed code.  Note:    If your site is secured i.e. HTTPs encrypted (SSL encrypted), then you have to copy the  Secure Embed Code . ...